The Pattingham Scarecrow Festival is back !!!

Following our highly successful 2011 Scarecrow Festival, the second Festival runs from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th of September 2013. This will take place in the South Staffordshire village of Pattingham, with a focus on the local church of St Chad's.

The three day event will run from Friday 27th September through to Sunday evening on 29th September with a ‘Scarecrow Trail’ starting at the Village Hall and taking in most village roads with individual scarecrows displayed in gardens and various other positions. There will be over 100 scarecrows to visit !!!

Latest 2013 Festival News...
Winners of the Scarecrow Festival Raffle
1st Prize - Scarecrow Cake - S.Turner
2nd Prize - 'Basket of Delight' - Jane Horton
3rd Prize - Lealans Garden Voucher - Kath Jordan
4th Prize - Bottle of Whiskey - Glynis from Shelleys Hairdessers CC

Winners of the Trail Quiz for children

Cian Kingsley from Wednesfield (Boys)
Jade Nickless from Telford (Girls)

Coming very soon...
Individual photographs of ALL the 2013 scarecrows - Take a look at the 2013 scarecrows

A 2014 'Scarecrow' Calendar - Wall hanging, monthly pages with write-on panels

Start your Scarecrow Trails from the Village Hall...

Be sure to buy your SCARECROW TRAIL GUIDE at the START outside the Village Hall, at £2 per person with children under 16 FREE.
This TRAIL GUIDE is a map showing all 102 scarecrow positions together with their title and the two suggested viewing routes.

Friday 27th - 12.00 noon to 5.00pm
Saturday 28th - 10.00am to 5.00pm
Sunday 29th - 10.00am to 5.00pm

Ample FREE parking near the Church

Hungry or thirsty ?
Refreshments of savoury rolls, homemade cakes and drinks are available daily in the Village Hall up to 4.30pm.

Evening Entertainment...
Again Festival entertainment is being planned and so far we can tell you that on Friday evening September 27th there will be the traditional Harvest Supper with an evening of slides of old Pattingham being shown by Bob Taylor, and on Saturday 28th there is to be a Folk Night featuring "Bedlam", the well known and popular group from Brewood, with a Harvest Festival services in St Chad’s Church on the Sunday evening.

Tickets for these popular evening events are available from:

together with 'Olde Pattingham' a new slide show by Bob Taylor
Friday 27th September 2013 - 7.00 for 7.30pm in Pattingham Village Hall

Tickets £7.50 includes Hot Harvest Supper & Sweet, available from Liz Sampson on 01902 700823

Saturday 28th September 2013 - 7.30 for 8.00pm in Pattingham Village Hall

Tickets £10 includes a Ploughman's Supper, available from Anne & Ken Scott on 01902 700355

Further details to follow…

For up-to-date information of the Festival, call Chrissie Ringrose on 01902 700340 or visit the Church website at

Steering Committee
Chrissie Ringrose, Liz & Dave Sampson, Dave Challinor, Kath & Mike Coope

WATCH THIS SPACE for further information...
Helping to make your scarecrow...

Help will be on hand to assist you in making your scarecrow. Remember to visit the church website at for useful information on making your scarecrow, and links to other scarecrow sites to give you help and inspiration.

Sponsorship of Pew End arrangements in Church...
As at other recent Festivals we are offering people the opportunity to celebrate their baptism or marriage, or commemorate a loved one, by sponsoring a pew end. If you would like to do this and have not already received a letter about it please phone, either Kath Coope (700043) or Chrissie Ringrose (700340), to request an application form - again the closing date is July 30th.

For more details on any aspect of the Scarecrow Festival, call Chrissie Ringrose on 700340, Mike Coope (Publicity) on 700426.

 The scarecrow logo and all its associated graphics are the copyright of CTP-Copidate Technical Publicity

© Copyright CTP Design - November 2006